Kyushu University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering System Engineering Lab

Study on kinesthetic illusion
aimed at use of kinesthetic illusion that a particular range of vibration to the human body modulates the intended motion, into a robotic system for human support.
Upper limb exoskeleton robot
is a wearable robot developed to support Activities of Daily Living, involving multi-sensor system such as muscle and brain activity sensors.
Lower limb exoskeleton robot
is a wearable robot developed to support Activities of Daily Living, involving multi-sensor system such as muscle activity sensors.
Pneumatic assist suit
facilitates a twisting motion of the lower body, on the training of table tennis forehand.
Pneumatic humanoid robot
realizes a stepping motion in badminton with adsorption mechanisms on the sole.

Welcome to System Engineering Lab in Kyushu University

Our research focuses on the development of new robotic devices to promote improved effectiveness in clinical practice, quality of life for users, and sports applications. Robotic technology involves many components such as mechanism, control, sensor and software. We believe that the creative ingenuity is the source for introducing the robotic technology into the human-centered applications beyond the conventional industrial technologies.

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